Assumption Church
Ancestor Information

The first services in the new church were held on May 29,1921, the feast of Corpus Christi. Father Casmir, invited Father Peter, to have the honour of celebrating the first High Mass in the new church. In his sermon Father Peter alluded to the times when he held services in the log church, and congratulated the people of the parish on their magnificent spirit of sacrifice in erecting such a splendid edifice.

The blessing of Assumption Church took place on August15,1921, the feast of the Assumption, the patron feast of the parish, by Abbot Michael. Assisted by Fathers Hyacinth and Matthew, he celebrated mass during which five children made their first Holy Communion, 47 their Solemn Communion. Father Abbot addressed the congregation praising the pastor and parishioners who made such great sacrifices for the glory of God. After mass, Confirmation followed during which Mr. Henry Schulte and Mrs. George Rositch were sponsors. The following day Mr. and Mrs. Cismowski, observed their golden wedding anniversary. Franz X. Strueby was the first organist in the church at Dead Moose Lake.

Pete and Annie Skalicky First Communion

Pete and Annie Skalicky First Communion

F X Strueby

The Franz X. Strueby family. Back row (L to R): Math, Josephine, Frank, Blondina, Fred, Martin. Front row L to R): Pauline, Franz, Meinrad, Mary, Katherine and Edward.


After the Church Cleaning_1933


After the Church Cleaning 1933

Bill and Julia Gessner 1933

Bill and Julia Gessner 1933

Andrew Bauml, Richard Stroeder, Fred Stroeder, Jack Langenhoff, Paul_Bauml

Back row left to right: Andrew Bauml, Richard Stroeder, Fred Stroeder; Front row seated: Jack Langenhoff and Paul Bauml



Fred Strueby and Claudie Haas

Isidor Puetz and Paul Bauml

Isidor Puetz and Paul Bauml

Joseph and Elizabeth Stroeder Feb 16 1892


Joseph and Elizabeth Stroeder Feb16, 1892

Mike and Mary Hartl Feb 6, 1922

Mike and Mary Hartl Feb 6, 1922